16 mai 2014

Yes, I just discovered it today. Bistro Burger Bar was a great time to spend a lunch with friends, a modern and cozy place to stay, and the food was good. In Croque Madame, the service is bad and the place is kitschy...  Better late than never!

I realised I was totally out-dated when I wanted to eat at "Bistro Burger" today, but when I stopped at the place, I saw
a "Croque Madame". Finally, I think the new Bistro is out-dated...

15 mai 2014

I've developped a certain interest for Guillaume Musso. For those who don't know...
Guillaume Musso is a french writer. His books are total thrillers. Tomorrow, 7 years later, Central Park, The Call of the Angel, The Girl of Paper... his books are within the world bestsellers.
When you start, you need to finish. When you think you know the whole story, your mind suddenly collapses in 0,01 seconds and you figure out that what you read was just the beginning.

Alice and Gabriel have no memories of their last night, therefore they're not ready to forget...

Already in the first pages of the book, you start asking yourself thousands of questions, near to the end, you think you know everything, but the thriller suddenly collapses and you're breath stops. I've never been that scared for the characters while reading a book.

She's his past...he's her future.

A strong plot. An improbable hypothesis that explodes in your mind at the 100th page. Everything debuts when Matthew walks along a second-hand market, and you, with him, wondering between Boston and NY. Then, a breath-taking car chase of 5 days makes you come back to reality in all of a sudden. A hard suspense story.