25 déc. 2015

Funicular in the old town of Lyon

In November, my Mom and I drove to Lyon, so technically, the visit of the old part of the city is a must-go. First of all, you can access this place by the funicular - pretty typical, here. You walk on the heterogeneous pavers and take pictures of a tremendous cathedral. 
View from the inside of the funicular
Going down the stone steps on the left of the monument, you'll find two roman theaters and you'll discover the mysterious traboules of Lyon. Traboules seem secret, stone corridors, from building to building and unique in France, from the Middle-Age. They're great places to hide yourself in, or sit down and draw for hours their complicated architecture. 

All right, now that you can't stop yourself from wanting to open each ancient door, running through every single traboule, open your eyes and take a look at these lovely grocery shops and traditional patisseries. Especially the "Boulangerie du Palais" ... yes, I'm giving you my secret address here, be careful.  Yum, I can already feel the delicious taste of the praline buns in my mouth!

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