Yesterday, 23rd of March, I've been asked to participate to a writing workshop with the OuLiPo members.
The "OuLiPo" group has taken a formal state in 1960, when mathematicians and writers have decided to
defend and illustrate french literature. Today, the OuLiPo aims to stimulate and preserve the language we
have inherited by complex discussions and creating mazes in literature.
To stimulate our minds and constrain us to think about another way to put up with language, they've asked
us to come up with "CHICAGO" poems. Its basically a poem composed of four verses and homosynthaxes
together with synonyms to form a word in the end...yeah I didn't get it the first time either.
Here you go, some Chicagos I came up with.... and since the theme was about architecture, please do enjoy:
Le solide rêvé
Le mortel imaginé
Le cadavre pensé
Le corps busié
Foule noue vache
Êtres nouent boeuf
Monde noue veau
Gens nouent velle
Franck faibli
Frank rétabli
Frank dépéri
Frank guéri
Miss fan de bleu
Miss fan de rouge
Miss fan de pourpre
Miss fan de rose
Rangifers au xylophone
Mammifères au dolce
Cariboux au piano forte
Rennes au piano
Père est Romain
Père est Empereur
Père est Saint
Père est Auguste
Deux marcassins en réserve
Deux sangliers en prairie
Deux sangliers en prairie
Deux cochons en bergerie
Deux porcs en parc
Mari au beau fixe
Mari au beau jour
Mari au beau ciel
Mari au beau temps
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